Seasonal Update

Overall, the Goulburn and Murray Valley region has had another week of perfect conditions for winter seeding. Less than 10ml’s of rain fell in parts over the weekend. Much cooler days and some light frosts have fallen in the area. With the start of winter still over two weeks away, the need for good quality roughage for cattle producers may be much sooner this season. The valley is still very green, and growth is good in the region. Fertiliser is also going out on new season pastures.

Central South Australia have received small showers over the last week and are looking for good follow up rain within the next fortnight. Again, Southeast South Australia have received enough rain to keep things ticking over nicely. Still ideal conditions for new season cropping with everything not being super wet.

SW Western Australia has not had any follow up rain in the west following the large storm front that came through nearly two weeks ago. There is still good moisture but with warm days of around 30 degrees at present, good follow up rain is really required within the next two weeks.

total forecast rainfall australia

Figure 1. BoM 8-Day Rainfall Forecast.

total precipitation rainfall australia

Figure 2. Farm Online Maps Precipitation Outlook.

Trading and Marketing


Local farmers are around three quarters of the way through sowing, with oats and canola being a common inclusion to planting rotations this year. Nitrogen feeding has also started this past week.

Enquiry is slow in the Goulburn and Murray Valley regions. There is no hay moving from the region compared to a couple of months ago. Local demand remains steady in southwest Victoria. The region has had a good season and has now experienced an Autumn break. Hay prices quoted are from local and surrounding regions such as the Wimmera.

cereal hay prices

Figure 3. Cereal Hay Values Into the Goulburn Valley.

All prices in Victoria remain steady this week too.

Change per t
Cereal hay +/- $0 $190-220 Steady
Lucerne hay +/- $0 $330-400 Steady
Straw +/- $0 $80-100 Steady
Pasture hay  +/- $0 $250-330 Steady

Western Australia

The wheat belt is busy with winter plantings of oats and wheat for new season hay. While the Margaret River area has been updating pastures with rye and clover plantings.

Domestic demand has slowed in southwest Western Australia. Many are trying to get by on what feed they have as domestic prices are felt to be just too expensive. There is very little hay or straw left that is not spoken for in Western Australia. Straw, lucerne, and pasture are difficult to source. No price changes have been noted this week

All prices in Western Australia remain steady this week too.

Change per t
Cereal hay +/- $0 $320-370 Steady
Lucerne hay +/- $0 $450-490 Steady
Straw +/- $0 $120-140 Steady
Pasture hay  +/- $0 $200-220 Steady

South Australia

Seeding is in full swing with grain grower’s planting wheat and barley for the coming summer harvest. Oats for new season hay which for many growers in this area will be grown and bailed for export. Most growers are running their normal sized cropping program this season. Some additions for extra sheep feed to store for personal use. Farmers who started their program with dry sowing are coming towards the end of seeding. Those that held off are about halfway, with small seed crops in the ground now and moving onto cereals.

Demand remains quiet in South Australia. There is hay out in the paddock that has been rained on with lost in its colour but not damaged, and many farmers are trying to move this. There was a lot of frost damaged crops turned to hay in the region and many farmers are trying to move this as well.

All prices in South Australia remain steady this week too.

Change per t
Cereal hay +/- $0 $200-300 Steady
Lucerne hay +/- $0 $380-500 Steady
Straw +/- $0 $90-140 Steady
Pasture hay  +/- $0 $200-250 Steady

Pictures of New Season Crops

Hay: Oaten Hay SP (JC-1)

Specifications: Feels crunchy soft, very minimal amount of weather damage spots, minimal brome, sweet and fresh aroma, >1% Rye Grass, JC-1 colour (85% Green) and JC-1 stem size (<6mm)

Location: Boort, VIC 3537

new season hay crops new season hay crops new season hay crops


Sources: Bureau of Meteorology, Dairy Australia, WX Maps, Lachstock Research, Weekly Times, Grain Central, Mecardo Expert Market Analysis & Feed Central, Wingara AG.

By Katie Lindkvist, Wingara AG.