Seasonal Update
Most of southern Australia and Western Australia are forecast to receive rain over the next week. Rain remains critical at this stage of the process – providing help or hindrance depending on where crops are located.
Goulburn and Murray Valley region, no significant rain to report this week. 15-20mm of rain is forecast for the area over the next seven days. Crops in the area are doing well with the warmer weather.
The recent heavier falls in the south may upset the cutting and curing of early silage in southwest Victoria but the lighter falls in the Mallee should not greatly affect the quality of vetch hay.
South West Western Australia, 20mm of rain fell seven days ago in the Lakes area. More light rain is forecast over the weekend. The weather turned hot and dry in the Lakes region which enabled growers to start cutting.
South East South Australia: Light rain passed over late in the week with more forecast for the next seven days. Rain now would be ideal to finish the season off.
Figure 1: Last Weeks Rainfall
Figure 2: BoM 8-Day Rainfall Forecast
Figure 3: BOM-Australian Landscape Water Balance
Figure 4: Precipitation Outlook
Trading and Marketing
Goulburn and Murray Valley region: Wet conditions in July and August are being offset with some use of fungicides to guarantee crops. Advanced crops are being made into silage. There are still three to four weeks until crops will be cut for hay.
Western Australia